Today will be one of the saddest days of my life, watching our Mum/Nan/wife/Aunt/Friend begin her new journey into a better place 🙏.
I’ll thank those of you in advance for showing your respect in whatever way you chose to do; for those of you attending the funeral there’s no singing and we’re to leave our masks on through the service as per Covid guidelines.
It won’t be as warm and friendly as usual but we’re luckier than others who only had a maximum of 10 guests, that must have been so difficult for them , I can’t imagine not having our closest family and friends with us today.
Doreen, I know you’d have joined us under better circumstances and I’m sure Mum will know your thoughts will be with her❤️
Claire & Michelle I know your Mum would also have been with you today, I know how much your Aunty Glad adored Susan and that she would be grieving just same as us.
Donna & Emily you’re always there when I need you, genuine friends who are there even though we see little of each other💕💕
Let’s hope 2021 bucks it’s ideas up and allows us a proper catch up soon and move on with our normal lives ASAP
Joy 🌺
16th February 2021
We hope that you find this tribute to Gladiola a place of comfort, support and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by MuchLoved on 01/02/2021